Welcome to Readability API Python Library’s documentation!

Release v0.2.


The Readability package is hosted on Github and can easily be installed using pip.

Reader API Client

The Reader API client requires four pieces of credential data. A consumer key and consumer secret can be obtained from the Readability account page. In addition to consumer creds, a user’s key and secret must also be used for authentication.

Getting a user’s favorite bookmarks is easy.

from readability import ReaderClient
rdb_client = ReaderClient('consumer_token', 'consumer_secret', 'user_key', 'user_secret')
bookmarks_response = rdb_client.get_bookmarks(favorite=True)
print bookmarks_response.content

>>> {'bookmarks': [{'user_id': 9999, 'read_percent': u'0.00', ... }

See readability.ReaderClient docs for a complete list of available functionality.

Parser API Client

Authentication with the Parser API is simpler than the Reader API. All that’s needed is a single token that can be obtained from the Readability account page. With a token, getting the parsed output for an article is easy.

from readability import ParserClient
parser_client = ParserClient('your_parser_token')
parser_response = parser_client.get_article_content('http://www.some-web-page/blog.html')
print parser_response.content['content']
>>> {"content" <div class=\"article-text\">\n<p>I'm idling outside Diamante's, [snip] ...</p></div>", ... }

See readability.ParserClient docs for a complete list of available functionality.